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BacoProcessRatios.exe - Calculates financial indicators

Basic functions

This process is scheduled to recalculate indicator values (aggregate data per indicator, division, year, period, scenario) after 'Closing Financial Periods' only. 

Note: Indicators are updated automatically (not scheduled) by e-Synergy when the following occurs

Processing of budget entries
Undoing of the processing of budget entries
Rebuilding Balance / P & L sheets
After validating financial entries
After changing the 'Type' in the Entry report.


This should be scheduled at the customers discretion, but it is recommended to run the process at least once a day at an off-peak time.


  1. It is required that the user is a known user of e-Synergy and that the user has access to the installation server.
  2. The application uses integrated security.  This means that if you run the job / task from the command line, it uses the credentials of the currently logged-in user on the PC to try to log into e-Synergy. 
  3. The user that runs / schedules the process should have rights on function point 339 ("Recalculate Ratio Definitions (process)").

Running the process

This process can be run by typing the command below into the DOS prompt or by creating a task for it by using Windows 2000 Task Scheduler or by creating a job for it by using the SQL Agent .

[Installation directory]\BIN\BacoProcessRatios.exe /S:[servername] /D:[database]

e.g., C:\Synergy\BIN\BacoProcessRatios.exe /S:MyServer /D:MySqlDb

    • [Installation directory] This refers to the place where e-Synergy is installed (e.g., 'C:\Synergy')
    • /S:[servername] where [servername] is the sql server where database is located
    • /D:[database] where [database] is the database name

    Note 1: The parameters /S:[servername] /D:[database] are mandatory.
    Note 2:  In order to check whether the background processes have run successfully and to see what parameters have been used to run the processes, you can check the Log:Process report, which can be found in menu path e-Synergy > System > Log > Process.  This report provides information such as, showing the date and time the operation took place, what command was used, the server used and any messages that may occur.